Hello and Happy Summer to You!
Wow, does it really feel like summer now or what?! This hot, hot weather has gotten me jumping in the pool in town and getting out to hike in the cooler air of the mountains. As I jump into summer gear, I am feeling some aches and pains, like rusty hinges needing some fresh oil to get going for the season. Can you relate?
If you could use some oil in your joints, relief in your back and neck, a reset on your hips and shoulders, and general relaxation throughout yourself in order to make the most of your summer, then come check out this class series. Each class is unique and independent, focusing on a functional movement pattern that will provide surprising insight and delicious relief with very little effort!
Gentle, slow movements gives you time to reorganize yourself in an organic, surprisingly easy, and restorative way. All you have to do is show up, lie down on some comfy blankets, and follow along as I guide you through tiny movements that build into an elegant, biologically meaningful sequence, leaving you feeling looser, taller, and ready to play this summer!
I am humbled and delighted each time a student comes up to me after class to share what a difference this method has made in their lives. In the last series, a new student, who is in constant pain from the moment she wakes up until she lies down at night, found ways to have periods of relief. That’s right! She has times with no pain and is better able to manage the pain she experiences. She has tools to quickly reorganize herself from the inside out in a sustainable way that her awareness continues to solidify into her new norm.
Another student has been taking class with me for the last three series, and he has gone from constant, debilitating pain from herniated discs and stressful compensation patterns to knowing how to relieve his pain in an effective, lasting way. He understands more of the connections between different parts of himself and how the overall patterns are contributing to pain, and now has the knowledge and power to disrupt the old patterns and allow something new to come forward. A new way of moving through the world that doesn’t incite the same old difficulties, but rather allows for freedom and ease!
Sounds good, right? Are you ready to feel the difference, too? I can’t wait to hear your story of transformation from this powerful class series! Let’s get started on Friday, June 29!
Healing Chronic Pain:
gentle movement, profound relief
Summer Series: June 29 – August 31
*No class on July 13 and August 17
(In-person & On-line Options)
Fridays, 10:00am-11:00am
SomaSpace, 4050 NE Broadway St, Portland, Oregon
With slow, gentle, subtle movement, you will discover a profound realm, where you can change the neural pathways of your brain to have more flexible, fluid, and energy-efficient patterns.
This class is for the movement curious, anyone who is ready to expand your ability to feel and know yourself, while feeling more comfortably in your body.
Are you ready to feel better in an efficient way that utilizes tiny movements, minimal energy, and gets big results?!
In these classes, you will be led through gentle, easy movement sequences, that will give your brain the necessary information to start using new movement habits and get out of the old painful patterns. You will leave class feeling lighter, more flexible, and taller. You will have a sensation of effortless – what a relief!
Learn how to utilize the power of your brain to change (neuroplasticity, that is!) through the natural movement patterns of motor development.
No matter your age, your brain is ready to learn and find ease and improvement for you! The work we do together in this class seamlessly integrates into an improved daily life.
Ready to feel the difference?!
Summer Class Series
In-person and On-Line options available
Dates: June 29 – August 31 (No Class July 13 and August 17)
Time: Fridays, 10:00am – 11:00am*
Location: SomaSpace, 4050 NE Broadway St, Portland, OR 97232.
*Also, available for on-line subscription ~ you can take this class anywhere, at any time that works for you!
Walk-in to any class: $15/drop-in
8-week Summer Class Series (in-person and recordings): $96
To register: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4QBMEZDSPFTEU
or bring cash, check, or card to the first class this Friday!
(Checks made payable to: Move with Ease)
8-week Summer Class Pass On-line (recordings only): $58
To register: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=EVL44SLBUEBCU
For more info about this class offering: feldenkraisportland.com/healing-chronic-pain/