by | Apr 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
Marliese Franklin, CHt, is one of our newest practitioners here at SomaSpace! Marliese has been effectively working with people to help them change their non-useful habits for close to a decade now. She has created and facilitated local and national workshops in...
by | Apr 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
We are so excited to welcome McKinley Secl as our new administrator here at SomaSpace! A big thank you to Sam Szynskie for serving as our administrator for the past 9 months – you will be missed!
by | Mar 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
Guest post: Written by Samantha Szynskie Nowadays there are so many flavors of yoga its hard to keep them all straight! Where does one begin!? I’ve been dabbling in yoga for a year now, trying to find a flavor that suits my palate if you will, but have not been very...
by | Mar 23, 2017 | Uncategorized
Thank you to all who attended our Spring Open House on March 21, 2017! It was a great success and we’re so grateful you decided to share your Sunday with us! We hope you enjoyed our mini-classes and that you are inspired to join us for any number of our...
by | Mar 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
Guest post: Written by Samantha Szynskie We’ve all seen it – the small group of older folks moving in what seems like pointless and ridiculously slow ways in public parks, like a marital arts movie played in super slow motion, but with less drama. We pass by partially...